The blog about Microsoft products by Matthias Schlomann
 Matthias Schlomann
 18  3641  12/9/2015

Styling the Modal PopUps in an DNN Platform (Dotnetnuke) Skin

By Matthias Schlomann on 8/22/2013

In revising my Metro7 skins for DNN Platform / evoq I came across the problem that I could not change the style settings for a popup. The changes were only applied when I had the popups disabled.


The search for a solution, it initially proved difficult and took several days to complete. However, the solution is quite simple if you know what you must do.


It created a new UserControl called popUpSkin.ascx with the following content:


1.<%@ Control Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/DesktopModules/Skins/skin.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Skin" %>
2.<div id="ContentPane" runat="server" />


After you create a style sheet file called popUpSkin.css with the following values​​:


1.html {height: auto;}


The third and last type of document in the popUpSkin.doctype.xml file is still created with the following contents:


1.<SkinDocType><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE html>]]><SkinDocType>


After create this file, now are also the changes in the skin stylesheet Skin.css such as the buttons, tabs, ect. taken as the pop, as in the control sites.
DNN Portal
Modal PopUps
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